User contributions for Zadammac

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24 August 2023

22 August 2023

21 August 2023

2 August 2023

  • 17:1517:15, 2 August 2023 diff hist +820 N Nano-AugmentationCreated page with "{{Stub}} '''Nano-Agumentation''' was a highly controversial and experimental evolution in cybernetics that saw the usual implants-and-prosthetics method of augmentation replaced with the new paradigm of "infection" of the host body with nanomachines, which rose to prominence in the Corporate Wars. The process was controversial for a number of reasons, in part because the Megacorporations were divided on how to address the technology. In people without ..." current
  • 13:4513:45, 2 August 2023 diff hist +1,311 N Genetic ModificationCreated page with "{{Stub}} '''Genetic Modifications''' are passive traits selectable during character creation provided certain prerequisites are met and that the Facilitator grants they fit the campaign. For the most part, usually a player character as either no genetic modification or only one genetic modification passive trait, and sometimes the Facilitator may keep these a secret to be revealed until later, or simply not grant them at all. The practice of genetic modificatio..." current
  • 13:3513:35, 2 August 2023 diff hist +16,207 N CyberneticsCreated page with "Category: Gameplay Mechanics/Concepts '''Cybernetics''' in terms of gameplay mechanics are a type of augmentation trait that players may optionally purchase. Unlike regular traits, which are taken only during landmark advancement, Cybernetics can be purchased at any time, provided the character meets the base requirements and has the appropriate story-driven access, including the downtime to recover. Cybernetic augmentations are artificial constructs which a..." current
  • 11:4011:40, 2 August 2023 diff hist +1,102 N Corporate WarsCreated page with "{{Stub}} The '''Corporate Wars''' is a turbulent period running from about 2060 forward, marked by paramilitary "proxy wars" fought between private security firms and mercenaries working for the Megacorporations rather than official state actors. The causes, outcomes, and methods of these wars varied considerably throughout the entire time period, ranging from resource squabbles through to, effectively, "marketing", where one Megacorporation would attack another to..." current

1 August 2023

  • 19:2119:21, 1 August 2023 diff hist +392 N Slow BurnCreated page with "{{Stub}} The '''Slow Burn''' is the popular term for the "burning down" of traditional nation-state societal structures after the Forced Hand Incident, first through the establishment of the United Nations Counter-NBC Task Force (UN-CNBC) and the associated social paradigm shifts that followed, up to the rise of the Megacorporations as a major cultural and political influence." current
  • 19:1919:19, 1 August 2023 diff hist +839 N Game of StakesCreated page with "{{stub}} The '''Game of Stakes''' was a period of history beginning on or about July 8, 1947 and continuing through to roughly the time of the Forced Hand Incident in 1984. It begins with the Roswell Incident beginning on the date in question, the development of The Third Power by Majestic-12 in the years that followed, and the subsequent shadow war involving the paired soviet program which began in the aftermath of the [[Kallamishtëz Incident]..." current
  • 19:1119:11, 1 August 2023 diff hist +3,453 N Chain BreakersCreated page with "The term '''Chain Breaker''' was used to refer to any member (actual or suspected) of any of several organizations, usually considered to be of criminal or even terrorist intent, that became increasingly popular people's movements in the Corporate Wars era at the end of the 21st Century. Among the general public, Chain Breakers were viewed as dangerous criminals with intent that raised from misguided through nefarious to downright dangerous. Much like the earlier ter..." current
  • 18:5218:52, 1 August 2023 diff hist +787 N MegacorporationsCreated page with "{{Stub}} {{WIP}} The term '''Megacorporation''' is an informal term, sometimes shortened to "megacorp", used by the population of the Corporate Wars era to refer to the largest players in the state-enterprise business by the time that period of history had come about. The megacorporations were a form of pseudo-volatile meritocracy or autocracy, where large corporate enterprises governed whole regions under their economic (and therefore political) influence. While t..." current
  • 18:4818:48, 1 August 2023 diff hist +64 Main Page→‎Welcome to the Chain Breakers Database
  • 18:4118:41, 1 August 2023 diff hist +708 N Latter 20th CenturyCreated page with "{{WIP}} For the purposes of this setting treatment, the Latter 20th Century is that portion of the 20th century starting with the events of the year 1947 and running through to the end of the century. This point is chosen because it marks the beginning of the divergent timeline of the Chain Breakers setting and concludes at the obvious logical point. It includes both the Game of Stakes and Slow Burn eras and lays the groundwork for the shift into the Corpo..." current
  • 18:3618:36, 1 August 2023 diff hist +12,542 N Forced Hand IncidentCreated page with "{{Spoiler}} The '''Forced Hand Incident''' was a major event in the world of the Chain Breakers and is thought to be the most overt of the many causes of the deviation between their history and our own. The incident took place from the 23rd through the 25th of June, 1984, and was the closest the cold war came go going hot. In most contemporary estimations of history the incident was a conflict between the Game of Stakes NATO Powers and the Warsaw Pact; in re..." current
  • 16:1016:10, 1 August 2023 diff hist +731 Main PageNo edit summary