Corporate Drone

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Corporate Drone is a character background suitable for player characters who have bought the company line; whether they were raised to the corporate life by their good little Corporate Drone parents or are lucky enough to be uplifted Working Class who have escaped into the more comfortable reaches of "middle management" or even the upper echelons of corporate governance. It is really only appropriate to use during the Slow Burn or Corporate War eras.

Background Skill Points

A Corporate Drone is created with their Presence Check time 5 skill points to use as Background Skill Points. Corporate Drones must be social climbers first and meritocrats second. In this game it's not what you know, but who.

In addition, for Corporate Drone characters, Computer Use and Administrative Skills are considered occupational skills.

Background Wealth Adjustment

Corporate Drone characters being play with the Grid 3 Harness and one additional unrestrictied, entry-level cybernetic augmentation of their choice.

Special: At the Facilitator's discretion this can be modified to be a single Nano-Augmentation, but only if it is otherwise appropriate to the campaign.

Background Trait: Friends in High Places

Corporate Drones with this trait pick a single Megacorporation. This is their employer, and they begin play with their full Presence Check score as their connection score for that megacorporation.

Whenever a character with this trait is making a social check (excluding connections checks), the character's player may choose to reduce their Connections score with their chosen megacorporation by X points. If they do so, they may lower the result of their social check roll by X points. This decision may be made after the roll. Points spent in this way are lost, but may be made up for with the normal ebb and flow of Connections points. If the player has fewer than 50 Connections: Megacorporation points left, they may not use this effect (doing so would usually represent having gained a reputation for hiding behind the company's skirts, which is frowned upon).

If a character gains an Advancement tick on a social skill from a check in which they used the Friends In High Places ability, their Connections score for their megacorporation gains as many points as the skill itself does at advancement.